CD and Turntable Magic

I’m more in demand now than ever and as the gigs came in thick and fast I wondered if my Numark NDX500 would last the distance as I’m aware it’s not the most expensive on the market. It’s not like many others available and when I set out I wanted simple - yes, I’m a music freak (and now a professional DJ) I just wanted something I could handle well - and this CD Media player is perfect for me. It really is all I need and like I said I’ve built up my business from amateur to pro - so if, like me, you want to step up your DJ work, then this is the best price for a CD turntable you’ll probably ever find and what you do get is quality gear for a better DJ performance.

I wholeheartedly recommend this as the best CD turntables available, not just for its price and its portability - just get it in the car and get to your event be it a club, bar, pub, stage show or whatever - but I’ve used it for 15 months now and it doesn’t threaten me with malfunction or failure ever - hope that doesn’t jinx it! And it’s seriously easy to use. Soon after I got mine I had all Xmas and New Year gigs and I had little time to get to know the equipment. By New Year’s Eve at my local club I had dipped into my entire media library for an eclectic mid that I put on my usb stick ready for action. There’s a handy key I can share and it’s just an expression because what I mean is have several uses and you have the key to success!

Genre is Important With CD Turntables

Imagine you’ve not just picked from your computer’s playlists in terms of genre but in terms of what’s hot and fast, to what’s cool and slow. You think of the potential mood of your audience and pop that mix onto your sticks and/or flash drives. This way you’re ready for whatever is going down at your event. All you need once you’ve mastered what to do with your library of sounds is to be organised, prepared, get to the gig and play the DJ.